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Thursday, June 5, 2014

How to Surf the Web at Night (Teens or Kids)

If you've always wanted to surf the internet at night feeling as though you need more freedom, here is your chance with these handy tips and tricks!


1. Stay in your room and make no noise (mute the sound or use headphones). It is fine if you use a tablet, laptop or even an iPhone just as long as it's portable and can be hidden or turned off quickly.

2. Make sure that if you have to use WiFi your bedroom is in close proximity of the signal origin. You should have at least 2 or 3 bars for a decent speed signal.  

3. Use a proxy to hide your IP and possibly some other traces if you worry excessively. 

4. Now surf the web as freely as you like! 

5. If the electronic you are using needs to be charged, find a suitable time to charge it, and take it off the charger as soon as you go to sleep. 

6. If you need to, hide the electronic in your room or in your bed beforehand. 


  • Make sure everyone else in your house is asleep.
  • Don't stay up all night when using the internet, make sure you at least get some decent sleep. You don't want your parents asking, "Where did those dark circles under you eyes come from?"


  • Make sure you can put the electronic back in the exact spot it was before you went to bed (or put it under your bed or something).
  • Try not to get caught if your parents give you a bedtime.
  • Brothers and sisters might tell on you if they catch you.





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