Excessive sweating is an illness and can be treated!

This is everyone need HAPPY

join your society activity and be happy with them by good communication skill and other knowledge sharing without shyness and always keep in touch with each other within every friends mind although we are not the same race.Sharing is caring(n_n).

Never Give up

' When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place ' - Unknown

Don't Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all up hill, When the funds are low and the debts are high And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must, but don't you quit. - Edgar A. Guest

Lives are very worth but valuable thing isn't live in every Lives

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” ― Albert Einstein

the amazing thing you've never thought

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. - Walter Bagehot

Saturday, June 14, 2014

How to Catch a Snake

Have you ever wondered how the professionals on TV catch snakes so easily? Do you want to get one out of your garden without hurting it? Or do you just think it would be cool to catch and get a close look at such a fascinating creature? Snakes are indeed fascinating, and although they can be dangerous, can be handled with care using basic items you can find around the house or garden.


1. Be sure the snake isn't venomous. You don't want your first attempt at snake catching to end in a disaster! Observe the snake--its length, its colors, and other distinguishing features. Identify the species by using a search engine (e.g. +snake+red+yellow+"North Carolina"). If you are at all uncertain of what kind of snake it is, and are worried it might be venomous, call the local animal shelter as soon as possible and let them know before anyone gets hurt.  

2. Get a stick or other long slender object, or whatever you have at hand.

3. Distract the snake with the stick. Firmly grasp its tail and lift the snake upwards, leaving the front part of its body on the ground, but keeping your legs and own body as far away as possible.  

4. Place the end of the stick under the front half of the snake. Lift the front half of the body off the ground. This will keep the snake calmer than if you grabbed its head, and will also let you control the snake's position easily.  

5. Release the snake into a new area with plenty of places to hide such as a stone wall or some bushes. 'Aim' the snakes head toward the hiding places, and release the tail. The snake will immediately seek shelter to escape the 'predator' that picked it up. 

6. Wash your hands well--snakes and other reptiles sometimes carry bacteria. While usually a minor concern, there have been examples of serious illness and even death in humans who have handled reptiles that carry the bacteria.  

7. Notice that younger snakes bite more frequently when they are startled or scared. 


Friday, June 13, 2014

How to Set a Passcode on the iPad

Setting a passcode on your iPad is the first step in protecting your data, such as e-mail accounts and contacts. This article will show you how to set a passcode on your iPad.


1. Open the Settings app.

2. Tap the "Passcode" tab.

3. Select "Turn On Passcode" 

4. Enter the desired passcode, then enter it again.

5. Once entered, your passcode is now set. The following options can now be selected:

  • Turn Passcode Off: Asks for the current passcode to be entered, then removes it.
  • Change Passcode: Enter the current passcode to make desired changes to the combination.
  • Require Passcode: Adjust how long your iPad will stay unlocked during use before requiring the passcode entry. Please note that the shorter the time, the more secure that your device will be.
  • Picture Frame: Turn on to activate the iPad’s virtual picture frame.
  • Siri: Turn on to access Siri in the lock screen.
  • Erase Data: Turn on to erase all data on your iPad after 10 failed passcode entries.


  • Using a passcode is not necessary for everyone, especially for those using their iPad only at home.
  • If you are concerned about forgetting your passcode, write it down and store the note in a secure place so you know where it is.
  • In iOS 4 and later, there is a new option on the Passcode setting. The setting is “Simple Passcode” which can be set to be on (default) or off. If you find that a 4 digit number code is too simple, you can switch simple passcode to off and now you can set a longer alpha-numeric passcode.
  • Don't set a very simple passcode like 0000 or 9999. It is much easier to figure out.


  • Avoid selecting “Erase All Data” after 10 failed passcode entries unless absolutely necessary. If you forget the passcode, the only way you can retrieve the lost data is by restoring your iPad through iTunes.
  • Do not forget the passcode. If you forget it, you will need to restore your iPad through iTunes.



How to Follow the FIFA World Cup

In June 2014, Brazil will host the 2014 World Cup. 32 teams will play each other for the FIFA World Cup trophy and title. Although more than three million people will attend World Cup matches, most people will follow the World Cup via TV, online or through clubs and sports bars.

Method 1 of 3: Following the World Cup on TV

1. Go online to find out what stations will be broadcasting the FIFA World Cup in your country. You can find a listing of stations at www.ipaddressguide.org/watch-fifa-world-cup-2014-online. In the United States, games will be broadcast on ABC, ESPN and Univision. 

2. Ensure you have cable TV access during the World Cup. Games will be aired between June 12 and July 13, but it is recommended that you sign up for TV by June to ensure access.

  • Only 10 games, including the final, will be broadcast on ABC in the United States, which may not require a cable subscription. The schedules are available on the ESPN website.
3. Sign up for a Digital Video Recorder (DVR) system if you want to watch all of the World Cup games. Occasionally, World Cup games are broadcast concurrently so that the outcomes cannot be tampered with during group qualifying matches. Recording them will allow you to watch them right after they are broadcast. 

4. Call your local sports bars. Ask who will be broadcasting World Cup games and which ones they plan to broadcast. Large sports bars often have enough TVs to allow at least one to be dedicated to the World Cup between June and July.
  • If you like watching soccer games in a bar, you can save money by watching some games on Network television and others at a sports bar. You may want to compare costs of drinks and food at a bar to what a cable subscription will cost.

Method 2 of 3: Following the World Cup Online

1. Go to FIFA.com. The website for the Federation Internationale de Football Association is the most visited sports website in the world. Go to FIFA.com/worldcup/ to find the latest news stories, bracket information and more. 

2. Download the FIFA app on your smartphone or tablet. It is available on Android and Apple phones. It includes the World Match Centre with information on past, current and future matches.

3. Follow the World Cup on Twitter. The Twitterverse is excited to be keeping track of games, wins and losses online. Follow accounts like Fox Soccer News, BBC World Cup, AP World Cup, 2014 FIFA World Cup and FIFA World Cup.

  • Individual hashtags for teams, games and world cup moments will be used, so follow trending topics to find new hashtags to use and follow.
4. Check online one week before the World Cup to find links to online match streaming. Streaming the match online may involve using a pirated version of the broadcast and it is likely to cut in and out of availability.

Method 3 of 3: Following the World Cup Via Bracket

1. Print out a bracket in order to follow World Cup bracket movement at home. You can find a printable bracket at http://www.printyourbrackets.com/images/world-cup.pdf. FIFA also sells a 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil wall chart for $15. 

2. Sign up for a World Cup league. ESPN and other websites allow you and your friends to choose who will win the brackets in advance. 

3. Fill in the team winners through the group round, round of 16, quarterfinals, semi-finals and championship matches.

Things You'll Need

Thursday, June 12, 2014

How to Stop Being Shy in a Relationship

When you are in a new relationship, it can be hard to overcome shyness, but it will fade away over time. Here are a few things you can do to help the process along.


1. Remember that this person likes you. Sometimes the reason we feel shy is because we're worried someone will reject us, make fun of us, or not like us anymore. This person is already your boyfriend/girlfriend, though, so they already like you! Being shy will not make them like you more. In fact, it might make them like you less, because they probably want to get to know you. 

2. Spend more time with your boyfriend/girlfriend, if you can. The more time you spend together, the sooner you'll feel comfortable and open around them.

  • Spending time alone is better because if you're around strangers your shyness is exacerbated.
3. Do some activities that you really enjoy. For example, if you love roller skating, go roller skating together! Doing something that you always enjoy doing will help you feel comfortable, which will reduce your shyness. It will also bring you closer together as a couple.

4. Talk to your boyfriend/girlfriend about your shyness. They might get the mistaken impression that you do not like them anymore. Make sure to remind him/her by saying something like "I'm really shy, and it'll take some time for me to open up, but I really do like being with you, even though I may not express it very openly." If you are too shy to say this, write it in a note and give it to them.


  • Never feel like you have to do something, relax

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How to Accept Your Baby's Gender

If, for whatever reason, you're disappointed at getting one gender over another, it can cast a shadow over your future interaction with your baby. The simple fact is that whatever your baby's gender, he or she is a precious human being born of love and care. While you may feel initial disappointment, it is important to overcome a wish for a different gender, because it can end up hindering your devotion to the child and may also impact your child's outlook on life if you continue raising the issue later in the child's life. Gender disappointment is a real issue but not one that should hold back your love for your child; seek to overcome it through love and support.

Part 1 of 4: Considering what drives your desire

1.Understand what may be behind your desire to have a different gender. This can vary considerably depending on the experiences you've had, your cultural background and your inner beliefs. Some of the reasons behind why people sometimes want one gender over another include:

  • In your culture, one gender is valued more than another or one gender has a harder time in life than another.
  • You already have three children of that gender––now here's yet another of the same gender!
  • The child is the same gender as you. You had an awful life to this point, now you're filled with fear that the child will experience the same hardships as you, all because of its gender.
  • This gender will prove more financially costly than the other gender; this might be due to schooling, activities, weddings, etc.
  • The other gender would have carried on your name, your business, your passions, etc. whereas you don't think this gender will or can.
  • You bought everything in "that" color and now it turns out you need the "other" color... This usually relates to setting up a fantasy in your mind about raising a child of a certain gender. All of your hopes, dreams and wants get bundled up in this child being of a certain gender, only to get dashed when it turns out to be the opposite.
  • This gender has greater risk of inheriting a disease or condition than the other gender.
  • Family expectations of a particular gender weigh on you.
  • Other reasons. There are many other reasons personal to each person who holds such feelings.
Consider writing out your reasons to find what is really behind your wish for a different gender.

Part 2 of 4: Coping with your gender disappointment

1. Realize that you are not alone but that the topic is generally taboo. Many people experience gender disappointment for one reason or another. What matters at this point is acknowledging your disappointment so that you can begin to let go of it. If you don't find a healthy way to reconcile with your disappointment, it can continue to fester as the child grows and become an issue for the child.

  • Allow for a short period of grieving for your dream or preference. However, try not to wallow in this; instead, seek to let go and return to the present as quickly as possible. Remind yourself that it is preferable to live in the moment, not in a hope or a dream.
  • Consider discussing your disappointment with your partner. He or she may be able to help you work through the reasons for your disappointment and allay your fears that this baby isn't going to find life easy or that you won't be able to cope with the baby.
  • Don't be afraid to show your disappointment if the first time you find out the baby's gender is at birth. Midwives, doctors and nurses are used to seeing all sorts of responses, and disappointment is one of the emotions post-birth brings. They understand and can be supportive; they recognize too that you'll likely get over the initial disappointment after spending time with your new baby.
  • If you find that your disappointment is dragging on, it is important to seek help. Talk to your doctor or seek counseling; there may be an underlying issue such as maternal depression or an inability to assert yourself in the face of family expectations, etc.
2. Spend time with your new baby. Allow the baby to win you over. A good remedy for disappointment is to get on with things, to keep active and to throw yourself into the care tasks ahead of you. The baby needs you and your love for the baby will grow as the two of you spend time together. See the complete trust in and love for you reflected in your baby's eyes and smiles. 

3. Accept that this is your baby, whatever its gender. Your baby is the result of your struggles, your love and your hopes. Whatever the gender of your baby, this person still comes from your blood. This little being needs you, your love and your acceptance.

4. Consider raising your child in a way that helps him or her to overcome cultural prejudices related to gender. If your reason for not wanting a certain gender is sourced in cultural or social expectations, help your child be part of future change in overcoming prejudices by educating the child and allowing him or her to think critically about the world and his or her place in it.

Part 3 of 4: Avoiding the pitfalls of gender disappointment

1. Think hard about the consequences before making it clear to a child that you wished he or she had been of the other gender. Growing up with a parent claiming that he or she wanted you to be a different gender can lead to the child feeling unloved, unwanted and "not normal". It can also cause the child to try and do things that are considered to more culturally aligned with the other gender, just to prove a point, rather than this really being what the child wanted to do. Undoing this sort of thinking can take a long time to overcome as it is a big burden to place on a child. Moreover, any parent tempted to raise a child with this openly acknowledged is behaving in a very limiting and rather selfish way.

  • Place yourself in the shoes of someone who knows that they weren't much loved or wanted because they weren't either a boy or a girl. It hurts, right? Any suggestion that a child is unwanted cuts deep and scars for life.
2. Avoid thinking that you will fail to connect with the child because of its gender. Be wary of making simplistic assumptions that one gender gets along with mom or dad more easily than another. Such assumptions are often tied up in cultural or social conditioning. A child will get along with parents who put in the effort to connect with the child, to spend time together, to talk to each other, to learn from each other. It may be tempting or overwhelmingly expected that you'll connect more with one gender than the other but a parent has a role that transcends this sort of compartmentalization; it will be what you make of it, as you are the child's chief guide in the early years.
  • Challenge yourself and your expectations. Why not do those things you dreamed of doing with the child had he or she being the opposite gender? You may be beautifully surprised when you push the boundaries of self-imposed expectations.
4. Get medical help if you are concerned about the child's gender increasing the risk of inheriting a disease. This sort of reality is a call to action, not a reason to give up. If you manage the situation from the day the child is born, you can seek early intervention and help your child rather than sit around in despair.

Part 4 of 4: The beauty of either gender

1. If you are trying to reach acceptance of having a baby girl, consider the following:

  • The world needs more girls.
  • Daughters love their parents with all their hearts when they're loved by their parents.
  • Girls can do anything their parents support them to do.
  • Baby girls make great sisters.
  • Daughters can care for their aging parents just as well as sons.
2. If you are trying to reach acceptance of having a baby boy, consider the following:
  • The world needs more boys.
  • Sons love their parents with all their hearts when they're loved by their parents.
  • Boys can do anything their parents support them to do.
  • Baby boys make great brothers.
  • Sons can care for their aging parents just as well as daughters.


  • Love your child as you love other members of your family.
  • Your children are not objects; they are not "matching sets" or "pairs" or anything else. They are human beings, living, breathing and thinking all on their own.


  • Family expectations can be burdensome. Remember that this is your child, not the child of your parents, your aunts and uncles, your grandparents or anyone else in your family. They have their own reasons; you have a responsibility of love and care directly to this child which trumps any of their reasons.
  • Raising a child in a culture of shame is one of the most limiting and undignified things you can ever do to another human being. Do not overstep the mark by imposing your sense of shame onto an innocent child.

Sources and Citations









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១.​ យកក្រដាសធម្មតាមួយសន្លឹកមក.

២. ធ្វើការបត់ក្រដាសចូលគ្នាជាបីបំណែក. 

៣.​ ពេលអ្នកបានបត់វារួច, អ្នកអាចបត់ផ្នែកមួយនៃផ្នែកទាំងបី ដែលអ្នកបានបត់រួចហើយនោះ​ជាពាក់កណ្តាល។

៤. ហេតុដូច្នេះ អ្នកអាចកាន់ចុងមួយ នៃផ្នែកដែលអ្នកបានបត់ អម្បិញមិញ ហើយរលាស់វាអោយបានខ្លាំង នោះអ្នកនឹងលឺសម្លេង សូរដូចជា ការទះកំភ្លៀងមួយអ៊ីចឹង។


  • ប្រសិនបើអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ក្រដាសដែលអ្នក ធ្លាប់ប្រើពីមុន(ប៉ុន្តែ មិនទាន់បត់វា) នោះវាអាចមានភាពងាយស្រួលក្នុងការបត់ក្រដាសនេះ។



How to Create Patterns in Beatboxing

This part in the Beatboxing Manual has been separated into a new area. Here's a list of patterns you can make when beatboxing.


Modified Drum Tab

The first line is for the snare sound. This can be a tongue snare, a lip snare, or any other snare. Next is the Hi-hat line, and the third is the Bass line. Another line can be added at the bottom for miscellaneous sounds, which should be defined below the tab and apply only to that pattern. Here's an example:

S |----|K---|----|K---||----|K---|----|K---|
H |--T-|--T-|--T-|--T-||----|----|----|----|
B |B---|----|B---|----||B---|----|B---|----|
V |----|----|----|----||--W-|--W-|--W-|--W-|
W = Vocalized "What?"

Beats are separated by single lines, bars by double lines. Here's a key for the symbols:

JB= Bumskid bass drum B = Strong bass drum
b = Soft bass drum
X = Sweeping bass drum
U = Techno bass drum

K = Tongue snare (without lungs)
C = Tongue snare (with lungs)
P = Pff or lip snare
G = Techno snare

T = "Ts" snare
S = "Tssss" open snare
t = front part of successive hi-hats
k = back part of successive hi-hats

Kkkk = Click Roll

Basic Beat

This is the basic beat. All beginners should start here and work their way up.
S |----|K---|----|K---||----|K---|----|K---|
H |--T-|--T-|--T-|--T-||--T-|--T-|--T-|--T-|
B |B---|----|B---|----||B---|----|B---|----|

Double Hi-hat

This one sounds cool and is a good exercise for speeding up your hi-hats without using the sucessive hi-hat sounds.

S |----|K---|----|K---||----|K---|----|K---|
H |--TT|--TT|--TT|--TT||--TT|--TT|--TT|--TT|
B |B---|----|B---|----||B---|----|B---|----|

Modified Double Hi-hat

This is a more advanced beat that should only be attempted if you can successfully do the Double Hi-hat pattern with perfect accuracy. It switches up the rythms in the Double Hi-hat pattern to make it more interesting.

S |----|K---|----|K---||----|K---|----|K---|
H |--TT|----|TT--|--TT||--TT|----|TT--|--TT|
B |B---|--B-|--B-|----||B---|--B-|--B-|-B--|

Advanced Beat

This is a very advanced beat. Only try it if you've mastered the above patterns as well as the successive hi-hat(tktktk).

S |----|K---|----|K---||----|K---|----|K---|
H |-tk-|-tk-|tk-t|-tkt||-tk-|-tk-|tkSS|--tk|
B |B--b|---B|--B-|----||B--b|---B|--B-|----|

Techno Beat 

S |----|G---|----|G---||----|G---|----|G---|
H |--tk|--tk|--tk|--tk||--tk|--tk|--tk|--tk|
B |U---|----|U---|----||U---|----|U---|----|

Another Pattern useful for developing fast high hats, I call this "Abhi's Beat":
H |tsstk|tsstk|tsstss|tktss||tktss|tsstk|tsstss|tktk| 

A variation to Abhi's Beat would be something like:
S |----|----|K---|----||----|----|K---|----|
H |--tk|SS--|--tk|SS--||tkSS|--SS|--tk|SStk|
B |B---|--B-|----|--B-||----|B---|----|----|

Fun beatboxing game Y'AW TURN 

Round one: Beat box in a circle. Must go for at least 15 seconds and must end before 30 seconds (including saying ‘Y’aw Turn’) if they don’t go for 15 or stop before and 30 seconds or stuff up they are OUT

Round two: Rap insults (doesn’t have to be true) in a circle until. Must go for at least 10 seconds and must end before 30 seconds (including saying ‘Y’aw Turn’) if they don’t go for 15 or stop before and 30 seconds they are OUT

Last Round: Y’muma jokes. Players that were out from previous Rounds judges if the joke was good enough. You keep playing until there is two players left. When there is too players left they have to pick what type of y’muma jokes. Example: Player 1 Y’muma’s so dumb. Player 2 Y’muma’s so fat Ect. After the player has picked his/her y’muma joke-style they can only do that type of joke. And all other players choose if the y’muma joke is good/funny enough.