Excessive sweating is an illness and can be treated!

This is everyone need HAPPY

join your society activity and be happy with them by good communication skill and other knowledge sharing without shyness and always keep in touch with each other within every friends mind although we are not the same race.Sharing is caring(n_n).

Never Give up

' When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place ' - Unknown

Don't Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all up hill, When the funds are low and the debts are high And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must, but don't you quit. - Edgar A. Guest

Lives are very worth but valuable thing isn't live in every Lives

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” ― Albert Einstein

the amazing thing you've never thought

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. - Walter Bagehot

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Credits and SEO - Level 1 and 2

You don't need to pay 5, 10 or 15 $ for test, you can buy it with credits. Credits are earned by participating in biddings, contests, successful passed exams, done jobs etc. You must have some membership, basic is enough.

Just go to Credit Shop and buy exam. Refresh your Rewards and your test will appear in Inventory. Activate it and choose your free exam in Exams section. Good luck.

Please use the Contact Form on the right for details.

SEO - Level 1

162 questions, 2 or 3 without answers

#1 Question:
SEO stands for _________.

  * Search Engine Optimization
  * Search Engine Optimizing
  * Search Engine Overview
  * System Evaluation Optimization
  * none of these

Answer:  Search Engine Optimization

#2 Question:
What is the main purpose of search engine spiders?

  * extracting records from DNS servers
  * indexing web sites
  * infecting websites with viruses
  * supplying DNS servers with information
  * verifying ethical SEO

Answer:  indexing web sites

#3  Question:
Where should you put your websites's robots.txt file?

  * In Google's Webmaster Tools
  * In any folder within the domain which is disallowed
  * In the image folder of the domain
  * In the root directory of the domain or subdomain(s)
  * any of these

Answer:  In the root directory of the domain or subdomain(s)

#4 Question:
What is the interval for updating PageRank by Google?

  * Every 3-4 months
  * Every day
  * Every hour
  * Every year
  * In continuation

Answer:  Every 3-4 months

#5 Question:
Which of the following is an ethical technique for improving a sites rank?

  * Re-writing title tags, writing relevant and unique content on your web pages
  * Registering keyword-rich domains and replicating your site on each one
  * Stuffing keywords in meta tags on each of your site's page
  * Submitting your site to over 1000 search engines
  * copying the content from another website to increase the occurrence of keywords.


#6 Question:
Which one of the following steps is the most important in a Search Engine Optimization process?

  * Correct title tag and body content optimization
  * Getting more and more inbound links for the site
  * Hand submission to search engines
  * Keyword research
  * Social Bookmarks for the site


#7 Question:
Which of the following factors is LEAST likely to affect a link value negatively?

  * The link contains the rel="nofollow" attribute
  * The link exists on a page that is not indexed
  * The linked to and linking sites are both registered to the same company
  * The site linked to and linking sites are both hosted on the same IP address
  * The site which is linked to your site contains a link to your domain



SEO - Level 2

152 questions with answers
#1 *Question:*
The _____ is a voluntary convention designed to prevent web crawlers from accessing part of a website that is otherwise publicly viewable.

  * HotBot Protocol
  * Robot Exclusion Standard
  * Robots In Disguise Standard
  * Web Crawler Block Initiative
  * none of these

Answer:  Robot Exclusion Standard
#2 *Question:*
_____ is a black hat SEO tactic.

  * all of these
  * link farming
  * meta keyword stuffing
  * none of these
  * spamdexing

Answer:   all of these 
#3 *Question:*
SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via ______ search results.

  * natural
  * none of these
  * paid
  * supernatural
  * unnatural

#4 *Question:*
_____ was the first published web crawler.

  * FAST Crawler
  * PolyBot
  * RBSE
  * World Wide Web Worm
  * none of these

#5 *Question:*
With regards to web crawlers, a/an ______ policy determines how to avoid
overloading Web sites.

  * none of these
  * parallelization
  * politeness
  * re-visit
  * selection




Employer Orientation Test Answers

100 % correct employer orientation exam answers (33 Questions)

This is just a Sample Photo (n-n).
1. How much does it cost to register as an employer on freelancer.com?
A: There is no cost to register
2. Multiple freelancer.com accounts are required in order to both bids on jobs as freelancer and hire freelancers as an employer?
A: False
3. To prevent a project from being listed on the search engines, choose the – option when posting.
A: Private
4. Posting a project private incurs an additional fee of —-A: $10.00
5. How may required skills can be selected when posting a project?A: 1 to 5
6. Contact details should always be posted in a project description, so freelancers can discuss the project with employer.
A: False
7. How do I leave a feedback for a user after releasing the payment for a project?A notice will appear at the top of your dashboard that you need to leave a feedback. Click on the A: Link in the notice.
8. The minimum amount I can post as the budget for a standard (non featured-non full time) project is:
A: $30-$250
9. How much does a premium member pay when selecting a provider for a project?
A: There is no fee for premium members.
10. How can I invite a freelancer to bid on a project I’ve posted?
A: Click on the “invite to bid” button on the freelancer’s profile.
11. My project hasn’t yet closed. Can I extend the closing date?
A: Yes for up to 14 days but a $5 fee will be assessed.
12. What’s the additional cost to post a project with the sealed bids option?
A: There is no such option
13. I’m receiving the same question about my project from several bidders. How can I easily answer the question so all bidders can see it?
A: Post an explanation to the project clarification board.
14. How can I hide bids I’m definitely not interested in?
A: Click the “hide bid” link on those bids.
15. Where can I find links to my projects that have closed?
A: On your account dashboard, in the employer view, click on the “past projects” tab
16. There is a gold icon with a red X beside the amount of a bid placed on my projects. What does this mean?
A: You do not have enough funds in your account to pay this bid in full.
17. What does the milestone request in the freelancers bid mean?
A: It shows the amount of the milestone payment the freelancer has requested if you accept his/her bid offer they start work.
18. How can I cancel milestone payment I’ve created for a freelancer?
A: Milestone payments can only be cancelled by the freelancer. You can send a request to the freelancer or submit a dispute.
19. I paid a freelancer via PayPal for a project, but didn’t received the final deliverables as promised. If I feel a dispute with freelancer.com, how long will the freelancer have to respond?
A: You cannot file a dispute, since the payment was made via a third party.
20. What kind of criteria can I use to search for freelancers to invite to bid on my project?
Any or all of these
21. To ensure maximum exposure for a project, choose the —- option.
A: Featured
22. Which of the following is true about the milestone payment system?
A: It ensures freelancers that funds are available to pay for satisfactory completed tasks and projects
23. Why do some freelancers use the project clarification board to submit their bids?
A: Any of these
24. How much does it cost to post a Priority project?
A: $5
25. How can I submit a PayPal payment to a freelancer from freelancer.com?
A: You can’t. Payment via 3rd party providers must be made from the provider’s site.
26. A freelancer rated me unfairly. What can I do?
A: All of these are valid options.
27. How can I provide a highly detailed description of a project without making my posted description too lengthy?
A: Upload a document with the details.
28. How can i find more about a bidder?
A: Any of these
29. How can I increase a bidder’s confidence?
A: All of these
30. Private projects will only be sent by —
A: Registered users who are logged in
31. What advantage does the milestone payment system offer me as an employer?
A: All of these
32. How much does a basic member pay when selecting a provider for a project?
A: The higher of $3 or 3% of the project amount
33. Can I add the “featured” option to my project after bidding starts?
A: Yes, but the appropriate fee will be deducted from your account.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Freelancer Orientation exam answer 100% correct Must pass

Freelancer Orientation exam answer 100% correct Must pass

Dear fiend today I share a great gift for freelancer. Freelancer.com is a big freelancing web site .many intelligent freelancer work in this web site.Here any one can join for free .but the main problem is completing profile up to 80% .who complete his/her profile 80%,his profile called standard profile .To complete your profile 80% you must pass the freelancer orientation exam .it is so much difficult .but now I give you all freelancer orientation question with 100% accurate answer .
Where Can I Find a list of projects i’m Currently working on?
Answer: On the freelancer View of my Dashboard
2. Question: How Much Does it Cost To Register as a Freelancer On Freelancer.com
Answer: There is No Cost To Register
3. How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids?
Answer: All of these
4. Multiple Freelancer.com accounts are required in order to both bid on jobs as a freelancer and hire freelancer as an employer
Answer: False
5. Question : How can A Freelancer stay up to date on new projects
Answer: BY any of these Methods
6. Question: What is the Mountly Bid limit for a Premium member?
Answer: 500 Bids Limit
7. Question: How can a Freelancer Increase his/her Chances of Winning bids?
Answer: All Of These
8. Which of the following is the Correct way for a freelancer to use the project Clairification Board?
ANSWER: TO Ask Questions about a project after Bidding
9. Question: how can A freelancer Avoid being Cheated on a project
Answer: All of these
10. Question: Where can a Freelancer see how many bid He/she has Left?
Answer: in the Welcome Section of the Dashboard
11. What Would pervient a freelancer from bidding on a project?
Answer: Any of these
12. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being setected for a project?
Answer: Send a private message to the employer’s inbox
13. How much does it cost to bid on a project?
Answer: It Depends on the project budget
14. What advantages does standard membershio offer a freelancer?
Answer: All of these are correct.
15. Question : Which of the Following methods is Recommended for a freelancer to draw extra Attention to his/her Bid on a project?
Answer : Choose the Highlight my bid opton.
16. Can a freelancer bid on a project that’s posted as private?
Answer: Yes,but there is a $3.00 fee to bid
17. What the Mountly bid limit for a basic member?
Answer: 50
18. How many job types can a premium member have selected the qualification section of his/her profile?
Answer: 100
19. What Should a freelancer do if he/she suspects an employer of fraud after bidding a project
Answer: Report the activity to freelancer.com Support
20. What Would prevent a freelancer from bidding on a project?
Answer: Any of these
21. Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on freelancer.com?
Answer: Any of these
22. I have Submitted feedback for an employer.But it doesn’t show on the employer’s profile ,why not?
The employer doesn’t allow feedback
23. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system Offer freelancers over other payment method?
Answer:All of these are correct
If a freelancer prefers not to start a project until a Milestone Payment has been created, how can he/she let prospective employers know that when placing a bid?
Enter an amount in the “Initial milestone percentage required (0-100%)?” box on the bid form.
24.I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn’t been created. What should I do?
Answer:Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request.
I’ve noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com’s policies. What should I do?
Answer:Submit a ticket to the “Report Violations” department of Online Support.
What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline?
Answer:Launch a dispute as soon as possible
27.What advantage does the Milestone Payment system offer freelancers over other payment methods?
Answer: All of these are correct
28.How can Freelancers earn back their bids?
Answer:By accepting a project that has been awarded to them.
29.Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on Freelancer.com
Answer:Freelancer Affiliate Program
I’ve completed a project, but the employer hasn’t made the PayPal payment promised. What should I do?
Answer:There is no recourse available on Freelancer.com for projects paid outside the Milestone Payment system
When does a freelancer pay a commission on a fixed-price project?
Answer:When the freelancer accepts the project
I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn’t been created. What should I do?
Answer:Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request
What should a freelancer do if an employer asks for his/her contact information before awarding him/her a project?
Answer:Send his/her email address
Which of the following is NOT a good way for a freelancer to ensure good feedback for a project?
Answer:Offer a lower price in exchange for good feedback
Where can a freelancer see how many bids he/she has left?
Answer:In the “Welcome” section of the Dashboard
Which of the following can be posted in a private message immediately after bidding on a project?
Answer:work samples
How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids?
Answer:All of these
What is the monthly bid limit for a Premium member?
How much does it cost to register as a freelancer on Freelancer.com?
Answer:There is no cost to register.
What advantage does the Milestone Payment system offer freelancers over other payment methods?
Answer:All of these are correct
How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project?
Answer:There is no way to contact an employer
How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project?
Answer:Send a private message to the employer’s Inbox.
Can a freelancer change a bid placed on a project?
Answer:Yes, if the project is still open for bidding.
I’ve noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com’s policies. What should I do?
Answer:Submit a ticket to the “Report Violations” department of Online Support.
I have submitted feedback for an employer, but it doesn’t show on the employer’s profile. Why not?
Answer:The employer hasn’t yet submitted feedback for you.
How can a freelancer stay up to date on new projects?
Answer:By any of these methods
What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline?
Answer:Launch a dispute as soon as possible.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How to Celebrate Father's Day

Father's Day has been celebrated for over 100 years. It's also an event celebrated in many countries around the world, although at different times of the year. In North America and the United Kingdom, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.


1. Help dad enjoy the day. Perhaps you'll let him sleep in this morning, or perhaps you won't badger him over something you'd normally badger him over. Whatever it is, let it be his day. Some nice ways to start it include:  

  • Making him breakfast in bed
  • Bringing him the newspaper to read in bed 
  • Making his favorite pot of coffee
2. Make it a family event. Father's Day is by nature a family event. Use this opportunity to get everyone in the family together for a fun day. Think about including all the dads in your family, not just your own father. Could your celebration include husbands, would-be future dads, your uncles, and brothers? If so, do it—the more the merrier! And don't forget step-fathers—they're important too. You don't have to remain at home; you could go to the beach, a local park, a favorite spot of dad's!
  • Consider building the celebration around an activity you all can enjoy. Some ideas include: 
  •  Having a family picnic
  •  Enjoying a family barbecue
  •  Taking dad to a favorite sporting event
  • Go fishing together 
  •  Go plane spotting or train spotting together 
  • Play golf together. 
4. Be creative. When it comes to making gifts for Father's Day, perhaps steer clear of the traditional store-bought gifts of tie and socks. He's probably still got last year's socks stuffed at the back of the drawer. Expensive or typical gifts are not necessary, but the time and effort you put in to create a personalized tribute, will be deeply appreciated. Instead, let your own creative abilities shine and make him something special: 
  •  Bake a cake 
  • Make his favorite dinner 
  • Make a gift basket and fill it with homemade candies, cookies, crossword or other puzzles you've created yourself, hand-crafted woodwork objects, etc. 
  • If you're artistically inclined, draw or paint a portrait of your dad from a favorite photo or from memory 
  • Write a poem 
  • Write a song and perform it. 
5. Celebrate your shared experiences. Look at old photos of you and your dad doing fun things together. Take a walk down memory lane by creating either a photo album or a photo slideshow. You may be surprised at how many things you both have forgotten about and how much they mean to you.
  • Especially if he doesn't talk much about his life, consider recording his voice or taking notes as you talk about old times or old photographs. Make his words and memories part of the family history.

6. Acknowledge the importance of fatherhood. Being a father is a tough job. Dads are responsible for at least one half of the financial and emotional well-being of the family. A thoughtful card, a letter, or short speech that expresses your love will benefit both you and your dad. Giving dad a heartfelt speech, toast, or card of genuine, loving words at the dinner table, or at some other point when all the family are around (siblings especially), will make this a poignant occasion. Here are some ways to prepare:
  • Make a handmade card
  • Write a letter
  • Write a speech or prepare a toast
  • Have all of your siblings explain why dad matters to them. 
7. Make the day joyful. The most important aspect of the day is that you are present and attentive. It does not take material presents to make a dad happy—it takes showing your love, and reassuring your dad that you're proud of him and all he's done for you. For many fathers, the most rewarding part of being a father is feeling that your children love you, and the knowledge that each child is on a path to a successful future, no matter what age, and is coping well with the problems that life inevitably throws at us all. 
  • End his "fun-filled day" by telling your father you love him. Don't forget his hug and kiss! 


  • While your relationship with your dad may not always have been perfect, it shaped some elements of your life today. There will be inevitable conflict as a father tries to guide you to adulthood. You may resent times when your dad may have been strict but appreciate his efforts to steer you in a good direction. Fathers guide us in many ways: some we understand clearly at the time, others we may not appreciate until much later.
  • Don't forget the camera! Pictures will help you remember the day in the future.
  • Understand that becoming a father requires learning on the job. No one is born knowing how to be a great father.
  • If you feel that you've let your dad down in past, now might be a good time to tell him that you're sorry for past hurts. Remember that just as your dad was not perfect, neither were you. Use Father's Day as an opportunity to tell him that you love and appreciate him. When he is gone, you will wish you had.


  • Avoid arguing. This is a special day, not one for bringing up upsets.
  • It is Dad's Day, not yours. Don't talk about things you like, or that you talk about a lot. Try conversing in things Dad is interested in more than you.

Things You'll Need 

  • Handmade or Heartfelt Storebought gifts.

  • Homemade food - Make it Delecious!