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Thursday, June 5, 2014

How to Be the Class Joker

Being a class joker would have positive effects during your way through school (middle school, high school, not kindergarten). They can have negative effects on you due to over joking. Stick to this guide and you'll be just fine!


 1. Never laugh at your own joke, unless all the class is laughing at it. You don't go around during lessons saying "Hitler is fun!". That'll just lower your reputation of the stressed word 'funny'.

 2. Say things funny about what's going on about in the class. For example someone just farted, "Ugh, I can see the green gas" would be a good line on that occasion.

3. Slightly make fun of people, like a kid in your class says "This chocolate is great, I can eat all day." Say something like "Don't, look chum, I do not like fatsos, and you being fat... what a nightmare...Fred is fat enough!"

4. Say everything out loud, unless it's a private joke with a friend nearby, though that won't really increase your reputation.

5. Make jokes at the same time at school, learning lines and waiting for a chance to say them is crazy. You want bad, than go bad.

6. Say crazy things few times per month. If your class is quiet, something like "I think I wet my pants" would be funny. 

7. Go mad on the teachers comments. Comment on them like "I never knew that Hitler smoked" if she said he committed suicide. And if the teacher says something about the food chain or animal life, tap your mouth with the pencil and say something like "Do cows pee?" or "Where do animals get privacy, to pee and poo?" or maybe you could go for "From where does a cow excrete!? I ain't seeing no butt!"

8. Adding things like "I know you understand" will make things funnier.

9. Do NOT comment on food unless you get a good joke on it. Even saying really funny things will not be help you if you're commenting on food.

10. Always say things at the right time, even if you have to interrupt the teacher.

11. Twist the teacher's words.

12. Pretend to not pay attention.

13. If you want to, you COULD take a risk... When the teacher is talking non-stop "Bah just quit your blabbing!" would make a few laugh, but the teacher won't.  

14. If someone is making fun of you, make sure that you are thinking positively. 

15. Make sure you never ever joke when the headmaster is around. 


  • Don't make bad or dirty jokes on other people.
  • Old jokes will not be funny. Make new ones.
  • A good tip is to stay serious which will make it funny.
  • When you wanna joke, concentrate on the teacher's words and things going around in the classroom that your can make jokes out of.


  • Could get you in serious trouble or a detention.
  • If joking is strictly treated, don't joke.
  • Joke during the easygoing teacher's periods, if your headmaster teaches, joking is not a good option when he makes a mistake.
  • Don't joke at a bully's expense, or do it if you want a broken bone or black eye.




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