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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How to Overcome a Fear of Stairs

So, you have a fear of stairs. Maybe you have fallen down them before, or you're afraid that you might fall down them. This is okay and even natural, though this can be a tricky fear to deal with. You've come to the right place.


1. Know why you are afraid. Have you fallen down stairs before? Are you afraid of falling? Is your fear really of heights? It's good to know the root cause so you can solve it.
2Look at the stairs. Find a staircase and study it. When you look at it for a long time, you may find that there's nothing to be afraid of. It's just steps. However, if you still find it looming, go back to Step 1 and ask yourself why.
3.Try going down the stairs slowly, and hold on to the railings. Do this about 3 to 5 times to help get used to it. You may have to walk so slowly you feel ridiculous, but this helps you get used to them. This may even take hours, but getting rid of this kind of phobia is worth it. Just go slow and steady and don't let anybody rush you.
4. Watch as other people walk up and down stairs. See how they have no problem, and watch how they walk with ease.
5Look at the stairs as you go down them. Then you can be sure if they're safe or not, and can see where your feet are going. You may say to yourself, "Step. Step. Step." This is a good idea, it helps you control when, how, and how fast you're moving.
6Once you get the gist of the stairs you should be able to go up them with no problem.


  • Practice going up and down the stairs.
  • If you are physically incapable of working the stairs, don't attempt it.
  • Have someone to support and help you while working the stairs.
  • It may be best to start on stairs with carpet.
  • Don't let go of the handrails under any circumstances.


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