Excessive sweating is an illness and can be treated!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How to Overcome Your Fear of Walking in Public

A lot of people get nervous walking in public. Read this article and find out how to stay calm.


1.Take deep breaths. When you are walking through a large crowd, taking deep breaths can calm your body down.
2.Think, "I'm fine". If you think you are fine, your body will believe you.
3Don't think negative thoughts. When you think negative thoughts, you get your body worked up, and that causes you to be nervous.
4. Walk in public a lot. When you walked in public a lot, you'll get used to your fear and you won't be nervous anymore.
5. If it gets bad, see a therapist. If it gets to the point where it is really bad, you might need to see a therapist. They will help you overcome your fear.

  • If it gets really bad, you need to see a therapist if you like it or not.


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