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Monday, June 23, 2014

7 Amazing Fiverr Ideas For Gigs To Make Quick Sales

Fiverr is a site that allows you offer services to clients for $5, there are various types of gigs available on the fiverr site and some people find it hard to make sales or even get clients for their gigs. I have been a fiverr users for over 2 years now and i have read many fiverr E-books and also WSO about how to increase sales and i found out that there are just different books by different authors but they are just saying the same thing.
fiverr ideas for gig
Fiverr is a great way to make money at home or just as a side of your job to pay for some expenses, some people say $5 is too small and even fiverr removes $1 from it so you get $4 for each gig, now imagine you get 10 gigs a day that equals to $40 that not bad for you per day.
 Before you can start getting your gigs ordered like that you need to get trusted by clients and as you get orders Fiverr increases your level and that why Top Sellers get a lot of orders a day. I will list and explain some amazing ideas of gigs that are always wanted everyday.

Fiverr Ideas For Gigs

1. Design Banners

Designing banners for client is a very good gig that will allow sell easily, you don’t have to be a graphic designer to do this, you can download banner templates from site for free, all you have to do is integrate to photoshop and edit it and deliver the gigs and $4 is yours.

2. Article Writing

This is another fiverr gig that is always ordered everyday, you can help client write articles for their blogs or websites or even essay writing as some students usually come to order these gigs and not to get to too much trouble with your client you can give out a clear information that you will be writing a 300. 400 or even 500 words articles, you decide which you want.

3. Video Recording

Video recording a good gig where you give a testimony for your client about their product or services and also it been in form of a press release, once you have a good camera then this gig is good for you.

4. Singing

If you have a very good voice you can also sing songs and record it can send it, this song can be from your clients or you can create yours but mostly love songs, birthdays songs etc. you record and send to them.

5. Personalized Gigs

This are gigs that offer different types of gifts such as designing for Greating cards for valentine or Christmas season  cards and so much more. These gig is very easy to offer, just ask Google anything you need and it ready to give you and that how you make money.

6. Social Media Gigs

These gig is also very easy, offer that your client can give you a link to put in your social media accounts such as facebook, twitter, Google + and so on. all you have to do is post the link on your social media account maybe twice or more depends on what you and your client agrees to.

7.  Design Websites

Learn how to design websites and blogs i know that this gigs is too much for $4 as it consumes time, so all you do is to learn coding very well such as html, css, php and more. And all you have to offer are some editing of there blogs or website. maybe to add a widget or change colour all the small jobs in designing and you will get sales.


In getting sales is no magic all you have to do is to make sure what you offer ware what people are seriously and despite looking for and not to forget make sure your gig is very attractive for clients to order your gig, I will take more about creating a very attractive gig for quick sales. Just stay tuned and make sure you subscribe to your newsletter to know when it has been posted and other good and educative tips. I hope this post was able to help get that fiverr ideas for gigs ?


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